1. CloudBees CI Workshop: Making Jenkins Enterprise-Ready*


You – and your DevOps team – are invited to our virtual Jenkins training. Attend this workshop to learn the best practices of automating Jenkins pipelines - to manage continuous integration at scale and provide a developer centric experience for software delivery. Specifically, we'll cover how you can use our enterprise Jenkins CI offering, CloudBees CI to:

  • Deploy configuration-as-code at scale
  • Configure full environments using human-readable YAML files
  • Onboard projects quickly with pre-configured templates & policies
  • Apply best practices to better control resources and CI pipelines
  • Reducing context switching for developer with contextual Pipeline feedback

Bring your questions, there will be time during the session to address them.

Wymagania: Szczegóły dotyczące wymagań znajdują się na stronie https://cloudbees-ci.labs.cb-sa.io/getting-started/pre-workshop-setup/


DevOps Engineers, Developers, Team Leaders, Architects, Team Managerers from Enterprises using Jenkins for their CI/CD and automation purposes.


  • Platform Opens
  • CloudBees Opening Remarks
  • CloudBees CI Workshop
  • Workshop Ends

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